Friday, October 13, 2023

Pinball FX 2023 (Steam Review)

 I am a big fan of Pinball FX from the beginning playing the first one on Xbox 360 and I had high hopes for this one being a more refined version of Pinball FX 3 but it's a different beast altogether. Let me elaborate.

I stayed away from the game until recently because of the not being on Steam thing and the not letting us move previously purchases tables to the new version. Making the decision to jump back in was fairly easy once I decided to only purchase tables I didn't already own and truth be told I'm probably going to stick with that until they decide to make the ball physics more accurate to real life. Dead balls are a major problem.

With that laid out, now I'm going to list some of the things this does right and then complain a lot.

Things that are good:

The events are really good and even if you don't have the tables listed for the events you can still play some of them and earn decorations and skins.

The game feels more grounded with a ball that floats around the field less.

Things that are not good:

Ball physics that make you lose a ball because the game decided to Bork your progress.

The menus are a big step back from the Pinball FX 3 and I find myself getting very lost with where things are placed and when I earn something I have no clue what it will be listed as which means I am left going to random areas and clicking until I find the thing I just received. 

Unless I'm really wrong, the amount of challenges on each table has been extremely simplified to the point of turning everything into a high score race which doesn't interest me. I want to do all the fun things on the table not do three things over and over until I have a top score. One of my favorite tables is in this game and I see know reason to play it once I get the last two items I need from it.

With that said I give Pinball FX 2022-23 


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