Thursday, January 19, 2023

UnderDungeon is Amazing - Review

This game is so good and I heard absolutely nothing about it. It's close Zelda with the aesthetic of Minit and kind of hard but in the way that when you die it's your own fault.

You are a cat and you are delivering packages which leads to you solving problems for the package receivers.

There I put a short synapsis of the game up now go play it.

You're still here, um... 

100 out of 100

Now come back after you've played it so I can list some cons. 

My main problem is it's too easy to use your sub items, kind of wish it was left stick in and B was to run. And to a lesser extent the main character can get lost on the screen but that is a small price to pay for a real cute game.

100 out of 100

Monday, January 16, 2023

Sidebar - Lost Childhood Games

Sidebars might be a semi regular thing on this here blog especially when I'm working all week and don't have time to play much of anything. And this sidebar is on games from our childhoods that are lost to our fleeting memories.

I have a holy grail game that I've tried to find for years. I can't remember the name and I know it was most likely a DOS adventure game most likely from the late 80s early 90s. If I'm remembering this right you played as a cursor, like when you type something into a computer, and walked around a castle trying to find something to give to a knight who would not let you pass. The knight had a portrait when you talked to him. And that's all I can remember.

I still have hope for finding it even with the little I can remember about it because of the below story. 

I had a Commodore 64 and a bunch of games on 5 1/4 floppy disks and one of those games was one no one that I shared the house with remembered. I would look for it constantly for years until I stumbled on a screenshot on Google while looking for something else, but once I saw I knew what I had stumbled upon. It was a 3D version of Pac-Man, unlicensed and called 3D Pac Man and it scared the crap out of me and probably led to me falling in love with survival horror 

Which is why I always have hope because if I can find that game how does my holy grail game have any chance. 

Thursday, January 12, 2023

ParaMonsters and the Haunted Escape Room (Review)

It's only my second review and I'm already breaking the rules of sticking to the backlog games. But I have a good reason. Hardly anyone has played this and it's very cute and Halloweeny. Yeah I'm using that not real but so real it hurts word, Halloweeny.

ParaMonsters is a short point and click adventure game mostly set in a haunted escape room that has you controlling the leader of a paranormal club. Did I mention all the characters are monsters.  You walk from room to room solving small puzzles until... 

You can purchase the game on Windows at the link below.

85 out of 100

Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan (Review)

Content warning (Death of a Parental Figure) 

My grandmother died while I was playing through the game and that may have influenced my not liking some things in Rainbow Billy that I might have otherwise liked if I wasn't going through what I was going through at the time

Rainbow Billy is a turn based RPG where you and friends you make along the journey try to befriend different creatures around the world in an attempt to turn the world back to color after Leviathan thrust it into black and white.

You move around the game trying to figure out what each creature is weak to by listening to them and talking through things they bring up. At the same time you are playing friends from a deck trying to discover through trial and error what symbols the creature you are trying to befriend is weak to. It's a great system with a glaring problem: the deck of friends does not have a limit which means you can't structure it for a specific situation and some battles ended up with me discarding my hand three or four times in a row just get the last symbol I needed to finish the battle. 

It has great moments throughout as you peel back parts of an overarching story which I won't give any away but I feel like it's important to say that the trigger warning should apply to not only this review. Those moments are spread out well but are obscured by the sheer amount of dialogue from all of the friends each having small storyline of their own. I could see two paths to fix this either cut down the amount of creatures you befriend or have less dialogue all together. 

With all that being said, if this is your cup of tea or you can look past the cons I've pointed out, you owe to yourself to play Rainbow Billy.

90 out of 100